Form Elements

Textual inputs

Here are examples of .form-control applied to each textual HTML5 <input> type.


Set heights using classes like .form-control-lg and .form-control-sm.

Range Inputs

Create custom <input type="range"> controls with .form-range.

Min and max

Range inputs have implicit values for min and max—0 and 100, respectively.


By default, range inputs “snap” to integer values. To change this, you can specify a step value.


Checks use custom Bootstrap icons to indicate checked or indeterminate states.

Default Checkboxes
Form Checkboxes Right
Inline Checkboxes
Disable Checkboxes


Default Radios
Form Radios Right
Inline Radios
Disable Radios


A switch has the markup of a custom checkbox but uses the .form-switch class to render a toggle switch. Switches also support the disabled attribute.

Switch Examples
Switch Sizes
Disable Switch

Inline Forms

Use the .form-inline class to display a series of labels, form controls, and buttons on a single horizontal row.


Auto sizing

The example below uses a flexbox utility to vertically center the contents and changes .col to .col-auto so that your columns only take up as much space as needed. Put another way, the column sizes itself based on the contents.

Floating labels

Create beautifully simple form labels that float over your input fields.

Inline Form With Stack

Create an inline form with .hstack:

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